Friday, July 18, 2014

My Atonement

I’m Atoning

I’m guilty of being that person who doesn’t write or call often.  I was so glad when texting became an acceptable means of communicating in business, relationships and family. Here’s the thing, I realize now that I’ve separated myself from the people who mean the most to me. When I told my 81 year old Great Aunt that I was writing a blog she, in her usual encouraging tone, says  “ Now Baby I think that is wonderful and I’m so happy you’re enjoying it… but you got to remember that if folks don’t use a computer we can’t see this blog of whatever you’re talking about.”. Crickets.

So here I am writing to honor my Elders and they can’t even access it! I quickly atoned and asked the Mighty Spirit for a solution and Auntie interrupts the thought and says “You can always show me when I see you Baby”. I let her know even better, I’d print each one and mail it to her and her siblings. This would let her know how often they are on my mind (Everyday they are, they are my motivation).

Ironically, Auntie has a very close friend, Ms. Shirley Sanders, 83, who is not only online but she’s recently written a book, Sessy’s Journey. Ms. Shirley is the essence of phenomenal. She’s born in Mississippi and lived most of her life in Oakland, Ca. I don’t want to tell you the entire book but I will share that if you have ever been through poverty, abuse, and/or grief, This is a must read! Ms. Shirley has phoenix, she’s educated herself, ran a successful business and raised 7 Grandchildren as her own. Her story feels me with a pride of knowing that it doesn’t matter What you’ve been through, it’s How you go through it. Ms. Shirley is remarkable, she practices Tai chi and is currently writing her second book.  

This blog is my atonement. It continues into my work and my art. I'm excited to have 21 year old Artist and Student, Lamarr Thomas collaborate on an art piece that honors Sessy for her journey. We hope to show gratitude for All of Elders, especially those who tell their stories… shining healing lights of love to the village. The piece will be a part of the Ubuntu Exhibit, curated by Melanie and Melora Green at the Omi Gallery in Impact Hub. 

Impact Hub
2323 Broadway
Oakland, Ca 
Opening Reception August 1st, 2014, 7-10pm

Artist Interactive Talk August 14th 6-9pm featuring
BOOK SIGNING by Ms. Shirley Sanders

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